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Here, we showcase a series of podcast episodes that highlight the realities of agriculture in the Central Valley of California. Our aim is to shed light on the inequalities and challenges faced by agriculture communities in this region. Through engaging interviews and personal stories, we explore the impact of industrial agriculture on the environment, human health, and social justice. Join us on this journey of discovery as we envision a more sustainable and equitable future for all.


The stories you are about to hear come from individuals and communities redefining agriculture in California. These podcast episodes provide a unique window into the experiences of people living and working in the Central Valley of California. From the perspectives of farmers, laborers, activists, and researchers, we explore the challenges and opportunities of sustainable agriculture and food justice in this complex and highly diverse region. We hope that these stories will inspire you to think critically about the food you eat, the people who grow it, and the impact of our agricultural practices on the environment and society.

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